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Hi all,


Sorry this is mostly not written in Swedish - I am an aspiring film producer originally from Japan. After working at Warner Bros in Los Angeles as a trainee and then at a Japanese animation production company Genco, I am now looking to relocate to Sweden as soon as the coronavirus insanity is settled.


Jag söker aspirerande manusförfattare som vill arbeta med två projekter med mig tillsammans. Both to be written in Swedish.


1. Feature film: Coming of age between two teenage boys set in Norwegian countryside - similar vein as "CALL ME BY YOUR NAME" "MOONLIGHT" "WEEKEND". It's based on a YA graphic novel published in Sweden.


2. TV series pilot/series development: 1 hour drama serie (crime, thriller) set in Sweden. Think "KALIFATE" meets "Störst av allt". I would appreciate if you're is familiar with refugee community in Sweden, because that is where I really need local writer's voice the most.


Let's be upfront. I am willing to compensate, but this is very limited as much as USD200 for each project as I am paying from my pocket money. But we can discuss and come up with anything else I have to offer. Ideally we can spend 3-6 months from development to one rewrite.


If anyone here is interested, please reach out to tajikaprod@gmail.com with your resume and a sample.


Here's a bio about me:

Originally from northern Japan, Masaya Tajika is an aspiring producer and a graduate of UCLA, MFA Producers Program. After a year as a Business Analyst Trainee/Creative Intern at Warner Bros, he is back in Tokyo, working with a production company Genco Inc.

since January 2018, in charge of production coordination, international sales and co-production.


Masaya has broad experience in various types of content from animation to live action. Recently he assistant-produced a Japanese animated feature In This Corner (and Other Corners) of the World (2019) in Japan, and produced two other live action feature in the US, Love Goes Through Your Mind (2018) and The Way You Look Tonight (2019), in addition to several short films.


Feel free to contact with questions, too!




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