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first mistake is to render to a AVI file... maya hates to render to Avi and quick time files, it can do it but it just don't like it... you need to render your animation to a still image sequence. use tif or targa, those are high res. and can be loaded in to most editing programs.. if you are going to work in After effects or any other compositing program you can render in maya's default IFF with this format you get an alpha channel and high res. and small files...tif and targa can be larger files...
the keyed out the colors they wanted to change or keep, this is not the simplest thing to explain. the best thing i can tell you to do is you really want to know, Buy the 2 Disk of SIN CITY... lots of good info and you will see what they did...
i see it but i don't belive it.... talk about screwing the compitition...
ohh i am sure that was a fun thing to do, back in the 90's.. 3DS Max is not the same program when you started. and if you know anything about 3ds MAx you would know that you need a good computer, so please... if you don't have anything to say ZIP IT... read the system requirements for max 8... http://images.autodesk.com/adsk/files/3dsMax8_techspec_rev.pdf
awww, please enought with the fucking filters alredy...
all you need is lots of coffee, time and a good computer... and work you ass off... try everything and experiment like a mad scientist... soon or later you will begin to understand what the hell everything means and them you will be on your way... but most of all have fun...
AE is not the best program for this effect but you have to use what you have... if you are going to film this effect you need to plan for it... all you need to do is make the parts of the shot you need to keep in color green/blue or any color you can key out later and then change the color... for example the lips.... give you actor a bright red lipstkck then film the shot... in post you key out her lips the "red" and them use that key as a mask, when you make everything else black and white... no i am no AE expert, this is a work flow from Digital Fusion, which is the program they used for all VFX and Color work on SIN CITY... but the principle is the same... so if you are good in AE you should be able to apply this to your work...
hahahah that is funny.... Kray is like/similar Mental Ray...Kray is in no way like Mental Ray... not even close... and the fact that it is free does not help it at all.... Mental Ray is the worlds best Renderer... nothing is similar to mental ray not even RenderMan.... and Vray,Maxwell, and all the other are just simplifed renders that give good quality... but mental ray you get to program your own shaders and build shaders usuing C++ and that is where the power lies my friend.. and while this is almost never used by the common user it is use in every film that usues Mental Ray which is almost all of them, and every Film that ILM works on.... Mental RAy is for the big Boys... No kids allowed... hehehe
really, i did not know that... lightwave did not make the cut because it does not support mental Ray... and there are many cool things in lightwave 9. but still no mental Ray support and until it does it will not make my list of software... and my list is not, what i think of the those software but a list of the ones i work with and in the order in which i choose and devide a project that i am working on... so my list is my list.... in the business of animation and VFX speed and ease of use is king, so what ever software can save me 10min here and 15min there, i am going to learn and but it... because every second i save the more money i make... so don't assume to know what i have tested and not tested...
Maya is better than max, you have more control to create tools that are not part of Maya when you buy it and that simple reason is why maya is better... it is fully open to customization unlike max... Maya MEL is mostly based on C++ the language in which maya was built on...max script is no where close to mel in power,and simple to understand... i have been working with max for about 7 years and maya for about 5 years and maya is by far better, i have freedom to create tools to do everything... i still use max today but mostly because of some great plugins for max that makes creating some effects easyer, because all the hard work is alredy done for me... Thinking Particles and AfterBurn are simply great Max pkugins... i can do the samethings in maya but it will take a long time to build and create everything i need, so max just save me time... and now with R8 Mental Ray is fully intregated makes usuing max that much better... but MAYA is still KING of them all... For me MAYA is # 1 XSI is # 2 and MAX is # 3 C4D is # 4 LightWave did not make the cut... sorry...
well, XP works just fine for me, i mean there is not software that works perfect 100% of the time. you need to lean how to get the best from your system. i like my pc because i need to upgrade it once a year or so to get the best performance. this may not sound good but i work with 3D and video and speed is king in my world and my pc lets me add or change something my self quick and easy... self upgrade. and if you are thinking that my computer sucks because in need to upgrade so often you would be dead wrong... and i am a techno geek and love going inside my computer every so often and take it a part and put it back together again... i like my pc because i am in control of it, you know what the say the computer is only as good as the user.... techno geek info: My Pc is a: Dual Xeon 3.8Ghz 800, 4Gig RDRam 800Mhz, 2 TB SATA HD, Qudro FX 4400 512MB basic sound, and 2X 19" monitors Now if ever there is a dream machine.... this is it...
pre-viz and pre-production of a special effects kortfilm... http://lotusfx.se/Re_birth.html och post-production på en kort film http://lotusfx.se/Gransland.html
Hello friends, where do we say that's it you need to pay me... i mean working for free is never a good idea but sometimes you get something form the project, you get to test yourself, you learn if you are good or not, at what you do. it is a chance to learn so you can get paid leter. which is the only reason to work for free. but where is the line where does it all ends, when does it go form helping a friend to working for your friend (un-paid). when do you stop being nice and start being real, if you agree to help your friend to do some small things that should only take a day or two, but a month has passed and you are still "Helping him" with samll things that just keep getting bigger and bigger... what do you do? Another problem i found is the "help me and i will help you later" do you listen to that line, i mean everyone want to get help making it, but do we listen to the producer or director who says "i know all the people you need to meet." and evenmore so if you decide to do another project while helping your friend can he get angry with you even if it is another un-paid project... i mean i should be about to do what ever free project i want... or do i need to ask my "friend" first? My conclusion is simple, i love film making and the business of film making... but those with power use the rest of us without power, and even more so we let them use us because be belive them and respect them... they say they can give us the world and we belive them... the truth is they need people like you and me because we want to learn, we want to be seen,heard we would give any thing to make it doing that what we love... the one we need to learn is the value our craft and make them pay for our craft... My craft is CGI/VFX... what is yours?
all 3d programs are very easy to learn, just depends on how much you want to learn and and how good you want to be... but mostly is all up to you... and how smart you are... sorry, that was not very nice but it was the truth...
well i like the idea for #2 with the hand and the girl... that could give way to some good creative skills... i am not sure i fully understand the idea for # 1.. For # 2. there are 2 ways you could think of the effect.. if you like CGI that would be a great shot fot that.. but this is very difficult to do... and takes time to get it right.. the other way is somewhat easyer but will require lots of compositing... 1. shoot the girl doing her stuff as if the hand is comming out of stomach, but try to have her not move too much... 2. then i would shoot a hand comming out of a skin like material, the hand will be the hand of a real person so it can move and do what ever you want it do... t 3. then you take the hand shot and composite on the girl, match the movements and do some color correction... and bob's your uncle... note, this is a quick and dirty explanition of what to do, you need to plan the shots and try to get the same camera angle, position, and movement... and i have worked with AE. for sometime.. but i don't recoment it for this kind complex compositing... but there are people who use AE to do some greate composits so good luck...
Vilka prog. är använda i Harry potter 4?
blood_boy svarade på ämne startat av 3Dgalen i Digitala effekter
instead of trying to guess what program they use in the movie, try to find out which Fx company did the effects then you could know what program was used... ILM did some work for that movie and ILM uses Mostly Maya, and XSI.. but i sure that they have licences for all the major 3D packages... -
Vilka prog. är använda i Harry potter 4?
blood_boy svarade på ämne startat av 3Dgalen i Digitala effekter
[citat=Munthe][citat=Mannemoviemaker]Kan man göra de i ae?[/citat] 3D-grejer kan du ju inte göra i AE men på frågan om man kan göra 4K compositing med HDRI i AE är svaret "ja". Men på frågan om effektbolagen som har ett strängt schema att följa och stora krav på produktionspipen skulle välja AE är nog svaret "nej". Dock använder fler och fler AE till större projekt. The Orphanage använder AE mycket. Dom jobbade bl a på Hellboy, Jeepers Creepers 2 och Sin City. Absolut vanligast är att man använder en massa olika verktyg och använder de bästa funktionerna i de olika programmen. Man ska ju tänka på att det är proffs med minst 90 000 kr i månadslön som använder grejerna. Kommer man upp i den ligan är plattformar och krig mellan vilka applikationer som är bäst någonting som dagisligan ägnar sig åt.[/citat] hahaha that is funny AE, in Sin City and hell boy.... -
please you don't even know me so it make no difference to what the hell you say about respect... the reason why i sad anything about respect to "CB" is because i have seen his/their films and found them to be intresting... hence the respect.. so "qwertyunion" you know just waht you can do with your respect... thats right... how did that feel... good ha... now you could remove your fingure from your.... and don't forget to was you hands ok...
well that was intresting...
respect for me i don't think so, but if you say so, thanx... humility me yeah that was funny...
yeah, which is better... it's all up to you really... and never get a student version, it is a a waste of money because you cannot sell anything you make with a student version and you cannot upgrade it to a commerical licences so is is basacilly use less to you... good for schools that will teach you how to use it... which one is best.. that is up to you, what do you want to do... the two things that will help you decide which one to get is MONEY and YOUR BRAIN... if you don't like thinking out out side the box and figureing things out, them get one of the more user friendly MAX... if you are lazy and just want to press a button then Maya is not for you... i like maya because i have full control of just about everything, which does not make me a rocket scientist but i come pretty close to one... in terms of which one is better, that the question... i have been working with CGI and VFX for sometime now and the one thing i can say is, if this is a hobby then get MAX, you will like it more and get more from it... is does cost more that maya complete, but you will get you money's worth... it works for both small and large projects... if you want to be a pro. then it will be good to know them all, well the good ones anyway, MAYA,XSI, are the most known High end boys, then MAX, Lightwave, C4D... in terms of which one you want to own... well i have MAYA, MAX, C4D and soon XSI E... why,,, i like them for different reasons... and that will take a long time to explain... Oh.. and "Jawo" i do know my shit, and they do not cost about the same...
my friend that is sitting here with me, tells me that i have to be nice... so i will try... first of all nice to see that some one is still reading the old 3D studio max TUT. files those were great back in the day... but come one... dudes the end of the world, have'n we had enoguh of those kinds of movies... i know that it is a collection of some kind... but still.... "CB" i had respect for you, until i saw that... hmmm, hmmm
yeah, that was a good reklam film... i would have loved to do the post on that.... lots of colors to work, endless fun...
you can write in swedish if you like i understand all the same, i just don't like to write på svenska... first of all what does the DOF and fsp have to do the the quality of the shot. i know that there are some differences in the was HD captures the frame, it will capture all everything and tends to fade less, so you could have too much info in the frame... super16mm maybe... i have used 35mm in the past and you have great quality but you are limited by your budget... re-shoots and extra takes are usually limited... it puts pressure on everyone you are forced to get the shot in a few takes.. with HD, you just shoot until you get what you want... it only tape that don't cost anything and there is no developing cost... it's not that i don't want to spend money for film, but why should i go for 35mm if i can get the same from HD... the last star wars movie was that done on film on 35mm or with HD? not the digital characters and stuff, i mean the actors.. and yes i know about the greenscreen.. but was it a film or HD cameras being used...