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OT? hur blir man recenserad?


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hittar ingen klockren grupp för den här frågan, men här kanske den kan tänkas passa? hur får man sin kortfilm recenserad? jag har gjort flera stycken som gått på teve, visats på festivaler runt om i världen och så vidare, men aldrig fått en enda recension någonstans. visst är det kul med user comments på typ ifilm och imdb, men det skulle vara ännu roligare med lite professionella recensioner. så frågan är: vet ni några sajter eller tidningar som recenserar kortfilm?





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jag har iofs varit nominerad på större festivaler och fått en del press, men aldrig några recensioner. jag är inte i första hand ute efter att bli recenserad för den stora allmänheten utan mest nyfiken på vad en professionell skribent skulle kunna tänkas tycka om det jag gjort. måste ju finnas nånstans? om inte annat ifall man betalar?



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Ursäkta, lite offtopic för det hjälper inte dig mattsand, men här är några som fick sin amatörfilm recenserad. :)


World Famous Film Critic Roger Ebert:

HOLY CRAP!!!! We just got back from the Toronto Film Festival promoting

BROKEN. While we were there we ran into the legendary film critic Roger

Ebert from the Chicago Suntimes & Ebert & Roper fame. Mr. Ebert is

possibly the most powerful and influential film critic in the USA. We

spoke for a few minutes, he then asked us if he could take our picture

for his website and of course being the media whores we are, we agreed.

He told us that he NEVER reviews short films, let alone an indie short

that does not have major distribution.


Well, credit must go to Jorge. he continued to talk to him about our

project and Mr. Ebert finally agreed to accept a copy of BROKEN on DVD.

Not only did he keep true to his word but he watched BROKEN when he got

back to the hotel that night and wrote a POSITIVE REVIEW for it on his

website! (we are still trying to revive Jorge ; )


Check it out what Mr. Ebert (I love saying that ; ) had to say:


A festival like Toronto attracts hopeful filmmakers eager to pitch

projects and find financing. Here, for example, are Alex Ferrari and

Jorge Rodriguez, the director and producer of “Broken,” a 19-minute,

$8,000 horror film containing, by their count, more than 100 visual



“We’re here to talk about a development deal for a feature based on the

short,” Rodriguez tells me, before the screening of “Twelve and

Holding.” “Who you talking to?” I ask. “We’d better not say,” Ferrari



He gives me a DVD of their short: “We’ve already sold 1,000 copies

online. It contains six commentary tracks and like three hours of

information on how to shoot low-budget digital films and how to do the

special effects. It’s like a training course.” They refer me to their

web site, http://www.whatisbroken.com, and back at the hotel I view the film

and visit the site.


The film is effective and professional and the ominous sound track

works with the images to create the desired effect. Whether the plot

quite rises above the level of “it was only a dream” I am not prepared

to say. Whether the short will someday grow into a good film we will

know only if the development deal goes through.


But that’s not really the point. The point is that gifted and ambitious

young filmmakers can, with very little money, use the new digital

technology to make a presentation that gets attention from industry

pros. Kerry Conran’s “Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow” (2004) was

floated the same way, with a home-made demo made on his Mac. Whether

this is better than the old-fashioned method of submitting a screenplay

is a good question; “Broken” is essentially a demonstration of the

mastery of horror imagery and techniques. A screenplay has to also have

dimensional characters (one, two or three dimensions, depending on its

ambition) and a story. In an industry so impenetrable for newcomers,

any way you break in is the right way. Then it depends on what you do.

Looking forward to “Broken: The Feature.”


Mer om deras "amatörfilm" på http://www.whatisbroken.com. Verkar faktiskt riktigt cool.

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