Spiritual_Chaos Postad 28 februari 2009 Postad 28 februari 2009 När det ska klippas mellan två locations under ett telefonsamtal. Läst i en bok hur man ska göra det rent formellt, men glömt av. Någon som vet? 0 Citera
StenR Postad 28 februari 2009 Postad 28 februari 2009 http://www.absolutewrite.com/forums/showthread.php?t=94675 0 Citera
chrisal Postad 1 mars 2009 Postad 1 mars 2009 Detta svar fick jag av min f.d lärare när jag var lite osäker på samma grej: When writing a phone dialogue, do you have to cut everything up in new scene headers whenever you want to cut in between the two persons talking in different locations? - No, you do NOT have to insert a new header for phone dialogue. If you did, it would be unpleasant to read. Too choppy! But you do need to indicate that the scene will CUT BETWEEN the two (or more) locations. Or you need to indicate that the screen will SPLIT and both locations will appear simultaneously on screen. Sometimes I start with the initial location - let's say it's INT. GIRL'S BEDROOM - as the character (GIRL) dials a number. Then in the stage direction (or action), I write: "SCREEN SPLITS to include BOY in his bedroom as he answers the phone." Or if I don't want both locations to be on screen for the entire conversation, I'll start with INT. GIRL'S BEDROOM as she's dialing. Then insert a new header - INT. BOY'S BEDROOM - indicating that we cut to the new location as the 2nd character (BOY) answers. Then after his first bit of dialogue, I'll state in the action that the "conversation continues, CUTTING back and forth between locations as needed." 0 Citera
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