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Utmärkelser för Sanviera
Tack för ditt svar. Såvitt jag vet behöver man att ha en extra monitor för bättre focus med Brevis och det är svårt att använda LCD eller viewfinder. Har du haft ett sånt problem med Brevis? Hur autofocus funkar i så fall?
Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 är en bra alternativ också. Kolla tradera för biligt objectiv. Till exampel:
Canon XH-A1
Tack för svaren. Jag har beställt sony HDV men som sagt de är mycket dyrare än valiga dvband.
De som använder canon XH-A1, vilken dvband anväder ni i HDV mode? Canon rekommenderar HDVM-E63PR som är mycket dyrare än ett vanligt mini DV band. Finns det nåt problem om man använder vanliga mini DV band för att spela in HDV?
Riktigt farlig. Vi måste informera tradera på nåt sätt.
Alla som har konto i Tradera måste göra det. Han är en riktig scammer.
Ok. Då kolla alla kommunikationer som jag hade med honom när han var Vorben: 1. Hans svar till mig, när jag sa att jag skulle köpa kameran: First of all i want to thank you for your contact ! About the Canon XL-H1 high-definition PAL Mini DV Digital Camcorder i have to tell you is brand new in the box with all accesories and international warranty ! It work on the europen system PAL . The buy now price is 19000 sek with all shipping taxes included .I have more than one item . So if you are interested or you need more details please e-mail me back ! I'm from London U.K. Please use english conversation ! 2. Hello, Thanks for you fast response. Do you accept to get the money by "Payson" ( Otherwise how do you suggest to get the money? Svar: Hello ! We don't have this service payson here in U.K. The Canon XL-H1 high-definition PAL Mini DV Digital Camcorder is brand new in the box with all accesories and international warranty ! I have more than one item .It work on the european system "PAL" as I told you ! I agree with 16000 sek with all shipping taxes included . I'm a english cityzen , I live in London , U.K. , I have a electronic store in Denmark (underconstruction) but now I'm in London and i'll ship you the item from here . Give me your full name and address and I'll arrange everything , I'll ship you the system via UP.S. 3. I want to buy one of the cameras. But please let me know how I should pay you the money? Svar: Give me your full name and I'll arrange everything ! 4. I think more important than my information is agreement on payment method. Please clearly let me know how I should pay the money of camera? Which method do you suggest? Do you get money first and then send me the camera or vice versa? I am waiting for you clear response to these questions. Svar: I will ship you the camcorder via U.P.S. Give me your full name and address and I'll arrange everyting! 5. OK, it means you send me the camera first and I pay then. Fair enough. When I receive the camera how do you prefer to receive your money? Svar: Ok! 6. Did you read my email carefully? I asked you 3 times "When I receive the camera how I should pay you the money?" If you really want to sell me a camera PLEASE ANSWER MY QUESTION. HOW SHOULD I PAY YOU THE MONEY????? Svar: You will pay after you will receive the item and you will verify ! 7. Ok! I agree. Just the final question. Please write the serial number of item and also to have warranty I need to have a shopping recipt otherwise it will not have any warranty. Do you have any receipt? I wait to receive one "serial number" first and then send my postal information. If everything goes ok I might buy more than one camera. Svar: Serial number: 10021 8. This is not a serial number. Please check you documents and camera body (inside the battery chamber) to find the correct serial number. Serial numbers do not have 5 digits! I wait to receive the correct serial number. Then I will give you my postal information. Svar: LOOK HOW WE WILL DO TO MAKE YOU FEEL SAFE IF YOU DON'T TRUST ME : You make the deposit at Western Union and you will put the money on the name of one of your parents , friends name , any name doesn't matter for me , after that i'll start the delivery and when you will receive the camcorder you call at Western Union staff to change the received of the money with my name . Is that o.k.? If you do that i also want to have a proof that the money are deposited and i want a scanned paper from the Western Union receipt to verify the transaction to be sure that your money are real. What do you say? So you must to transfer the money 16000 sek on my address and name ........( what name you want ) , after you will receive the package with the ( Canon XL-H1 high-definition PAL Mini DV Digital Camcorder , brand new in the box with all accesories and international warranty ! ) and you will verify you will change that name with my name ! I think this is a safe way for us , in specialy for you ! FIRST NAME: Mark LAST NAME: Vorben ADRESS : 59 Brewer Street ZIP :W1R3FA CITY : London COUNTRY : United Kingdom I hope we make a good deal and you will see that i'm an honest person ! 9. I trust you !! Have you seen this link before? : Also please read the attached pdf file carefully. It is for you. By the way, what happened to your account in Tradera??!! How many people have you scammed so far? Do not do it. It is not good to steal others money. ** PDF file is a warning from western union which describes how scammers can steal people's money when it is sent to any name. These scammers have fake IDs to take out money when one sends it to any other name, without sending any good to buyer. Svar: INGET ÄN SÅ LÄNGE!!!!
Problemmet är att när man ställer en fråga, skriver han om nån annan sak. Till exampel, frågade jag om betalnings metod och fick svar att kameran fugerade på PAL system (!) vilket är helt meningslöst. Jag är säker om jag be honom att skicka nån bild, svarar han att han bor inte i Sverige! (Faktist hade jag en hel del kommunikation med honom när han var Mr. Vorben :) )
Hans nya namn är "Erik Ranoc" :)
Jag skickade ett mejl till honom och frågade efter betalning sätt. Svar (samma som tidigare): "Hello ! First of all i want to thank you for your contact ! About the Panasonic AG-HVX200 Mini DV Digital Camcorder i have to tell you is brand new in the box with all accesories and international warranty ! It work on the europen system PAL . The buy now price is 18000 sek with all shipping taxes included .I have more than one item . So if you are interested or you need more details please e-mail me back ! I'm from London U.K. Please use english conversation ! Regards !" Vi måste anmälla honom igen.
Jag tror att Mr. Vorben är tillbacks igen med ett nytt konto och ett nytt namn. Kolla: Vad tror ni? Säljaren är igen från Denmark.
Själv beställde en XH-A1 igår. Jag var lite osäker mellan HVX200 och A1. Det finns olika "trade-off" om man väljer mellan dem här kamerorna. HVX200: Pros: variable frame rate, 25p, tapeless work flow for HD (on P2) Cons: heavy, low-res LCD, weak low-light performance, weak auto focus, picks zoom noise by built-in mic, low capacity HD recording (high price per minute) XH-A1: Pros: high resolution, low price HD per minute, good low-light perfomance, strong auto focus, 25f Cons: tape recording is not as cool as digital recording, shake sensitivity, small LCD, no 720p, no variable frame rate Men pris skillnaden i Sverige är 25000:- plus P2 pris > 32000:-, Tyvärr är det inte så i andra länder (som USA). Därföre XH-A1 passar bättre för mig i generellt sett.
Baserad på vad ni vet om olika kameror, vilken kamera föredrar ni om ni ska köpa en ny kamera?